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Earnings Disclaimer

Earnings Disclaimer

No Earnings Projections, Promises, or Representations

At Stagvid Media, LLC, operating under the trade name Shopanova, we are committed to providing exceptional marketing services and business consulting. While we showcase past successes and testimonials from clients who have seen increased sales and business improvements, we make no representations, guarantees, or promises regarding the specific future earnings or results you can expect from our services.

Understanding Potential Earnings

The results featured on our websites, including shopanova.com and shopanova.co, are examples of what has been achieved by others. These examples should not be taken as guarantees for future performance or success. They represent exceptional results which are not typical for every client. Earnings, sales, and success in business depend greatly on personal dedication, the nature of your business, and external market factors.

Monetary and Testimonial Disclosure

All testimonials and examples of specific outcomes or earnings are real and correctly attributed to the individuals who have achieved them. However, these earnings are indicative of their personal experiences and are not typical. Monetary gains and business outcomes are based on many factors including but not limited to your business’s unique characteristics, market behaviors, and the economic environment.

Key Success Factors

Success in using our strategies and services is influenced by several factors including your willingness to implement changes, business acumen, product quality, and market conditions. We stress that higher gross margins, strong average order values, a high repeat purchase rate, and a unique brand story are essential for success, but we cannot guarantee that you will achieve these.

No Professional Advice Provided

The information provided by Shopanova through our consulting services, or on our websites is for general informational purposes only. All information on the site is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the site. You should not consider this information to be an alternative to professional advice.

Purchase Considerations

The pricing of our services has been set based on market standards and reflects our estimation of the value you can gain from our offerings. It is important to do your due diligence and consult with professional advisors as needed before making business decisions.

No Liability

Stagvid Media, LLC is not responsible for your actions and has no liability for any loss or damages which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of our services or information contained on our websites. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials.